Innovative Forecasting Tool
MyPropertyTool provides portfolio forecasting tools to enable property investors to project the future value of their property portfolio. The tool utilizes top tier property data suppliers, enabling us to leverage these data points to feed into the algorithms we use to generate property capital growth and other types of forecasts.
Data Patterns & Points
There is no crystal ball to predict exactly what will happen in the future, however it is possible to use detailed historical data points to provide forecasts according to key specific data patterns. This can assist and provide investors with an indication of their equity position up to 10 years into the future based on a range of variables.
Historical median price data going back 40 years at a suburb level is used, taking into account the type of property being forecasted such as, free standing house, apartment ect. along with other variables, to generate the forecasts.
Portfolio Forecaster / Deal Analyser
After adding your properties to the system, use our Portfolio Forecaster to determine the future value of your property portfolio going forward 10 years. This feature also enables investors to estimate how much equity they will have after 10 years, based on repaying their loans over that period of time.
MyPropertyTool provides an innovative Deal Analyser tool, allowing investors to input the address of any property, to calculate the 10-year projected cashflow and capital growth of the property before actually purchasing it. This feature gives you an edge with future planning.
Future Development Plans
Take advantage of our property forecasting tools, which are constantly being refined based on research and feedback from our property investor users.
We have plans to introduce a number of additional portfolio forecasting tools in the future to ensure we constantly remain ahead of the market to provide property investors the tools they need to support their property investing journey.